UR-DATA featuring ISSE 2024

From July 1-5, 2024, the Faculty of Economics at the University of Niš (FEUN) hosted the 16th International Summer School of Economics (ISSE), under the theme “Smart and Sustainable Innovations.” This event brought together students from Serbia and abroad, academics, and professionals from various countries to engage in insightful discussions and workshops aimed at fostering innovative approaches to sustainable development.

The summer school began on July 1st with a warm welcome from Tadija Đukić, Dean of FEUN and Dragana Radenković Jocić, Vice-Dean. Attendees were then treated to an engaging introductory lecture by Oliver Tošković, PhD, on “MY AVATAR AND ME – Perception of Space in Virtual Reality.”

After a lunch break, Nicoline Foulon Nørgaard from the partner institution Oslo Metropolitan University held an insightful presentation of the UR-DATA research. The day concluded with a city walking tour, providing participants a chance to explore Niš and network informally.

On July 2nd, activities shifted to the SKIP Center, where the day began with an introduction to the center’s initiatives. This was followed by a series of workshops led by experts Nikola Pejović and Nenad Dimitrijević, focusing on “Smart and Sustainable Innovations.” Participants engaged in group work and case studies, culminating in presentations of their findings and lessons learned.

July 3rd featured two notable lectures at FEUN. Anton Vorina, PhD, from Vocational College Celje in Slovenia, delivered a thought-provoking lecture on the ethical implications of using AI tools like Chat GPT and Bard (Gemini) in academic writing. Later, FEUN’s PhD student, Aleksandar Manasijević introduced the “RURBAN: Strategic Smart and Innovative Development Model,” sparking discussions on strategic urban-rural development. The day concluded with country presentations, where participants shared insights from their respective regions.

On July 4th, Alessandro Cattini and Selene Cremonesi from UR-DATA partner institution Poliedra – Politecnico di Milano led a workshop titled “TO-GET-THERE: Cities Worth Dreaming For.” This interactive session centred around urban governance and sustainability, encouraging participants to envision cities of the future.

The event concluded on July 5th with a diploma ceremony and closing speech, celebrating the achievements of the participants and marking the end of a successful summer school.

The 16th ISSE was a resounding success, providing a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration, showcasing UR-DATA project’s impact on urban governance and smart city solutions. 

We look forward to continuing these important conversations and fostering further innovations in sustainable development.