MCDM seminar at Poliedra, Politecnico di Milano

Within the activities of UR-DATA project, a seminar Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Application in Urban and Regional Sustainability has been organized by the UR-DATA partner institution – Poliedra, Politecnico di Milano.

During the 2-days seminar (September 11-13), experts from several universities in Italy (Politecnico di Milano, University of Bologna, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Politecnico di Torino, University of Pisa, etc.), Norway (Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Science and Technology, Trondheim), Netherlands, Greece, Croatia and Serbia, have gathered to share results and plan further research in the field of urban sustainability assessment.

The seminar was an excellent opportunity for sharing knowledge and experiences through cross-fertilization of UR-DATA and RETURN project (multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate), between the two consortiums.

The gathering was followed by a 2-day annual UR-DATA project meeting, where FEUN, POLIEDRA and OSLOMET representatives participated in planning the upcoming events related to UR-DATA project, short-term staff exchanges, the publication of the second special issue of the journal, as well as the joint publications and future project proposals.