Panel Discussion at European Mobility Week in Niš

As part of the European Mobility Week, which is celebrated across Europe, Niš hosted a panel discussion titled Shared Public Spaces – Challenges and Opportunities on September 17 at the amphitheatre on the banks of the Nišava River. This year’s European Mobility Week focuses on the efficient use of public spaces in cities, highlighting streets, squares, sidewalks, and other communal areas as essential meeting points for all citizens.

In collaboration with the European House Niš and local partners, the City of Niš organised a series of themed activities to mark the European Mobility Week, all taking place in various public spaces throughout the city. UR-DATA expertise was shared at the panel discussion, which served as a platform for exchanging knowledge and experiences with experts on the importance of sustainable urban mobility and showcased current projects related to this topic in Niš.

The panel featured distinguished speakers, including Dr. Jelena Đekić from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at the University of Niš, Slobodan Rančić, a traffic advisor at the City Administration of Pirot and recipient of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Award, Prof. Dr. Jelena J. Stanković from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Niš and the UR Data Project, Vladan Antić from the cycling association “Karavan Tim” Niš, and Jasmina Barać from the Association “Iz kruga Niš.” The discussion was moderated by Danijela Vučić from the European House Niš.

Prof. Stanković highlighted both the opportunities and constraints in implementing shared mobility solutions, offering insights into the unique urban challenges facing Niš. Her discussion spanned topics such as enhancing pedestrian infrastructure and navigating the complexities of shared transport services, providing valuable perspectives on redesigning public spaces to improve urban mobility.